Sunday, August 8, 2010

Global warming-An Inconvenient Truth

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States, serving his country from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2000 election . He is currently chairman of the Emmy Award. He also starred in the Academy Award - winning documentary on the topic of global warming, An Inconvenient Truth. , In 2007, Gore helped to organize the July 7 benefit concert for global warming, Live Earth. He is very serious man and he is interested in the climate change and is trying to get people’s attention about the dangers of the change in the environment, He wants to show how it is affecting humans and animals.

He discusses the problem of the warming and how it will affect the bears in the world. The glaciers around the world are melting and it’s dangerous for the polar bears around the world. That means that they will not find place to rest. Glaciers will melt, sea levels will increase and it may causes a decrease of a drinking water and drown some cities. Temperature and the CO2 concentration may both increase as is shown in the graph, that will mean more dangerous world.

The reason for his movie is to make a people awake of this coming disaster. As well as, what it can do for the world. Americans people made great things to face the problems of global warming. I can see that Al Gore is very convincing and we have to look at this issue carefully.


Ali Alhosani 174blogproject said...

Hi Rashed good job but, I want to know why some of the words are underline.

Rashid174blogproject said...

Hi Ali Al hosani. first of all thank you for passing by. Try to click in any of these word and you will go directly to the main source of the information.
keep in touch.