Friday, April 4, 2008

Cool City

Increases in energy consumption, and increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and traffics are the problems that are associated with economic development, since the start of the Iindustrial Revolution. These are very serious problems and if we don't solve them we will need another earth. In addition, we have to decrease about 1.5 of the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the air to live within the capacity of a single earth.

In Japan during the last 30 years, The GDP(Gross Demestic Product) has risen 100 % while energy efficiency has increased 37 % and oil consumtion has decreased 8 percent. Where 90% of carbon dioxide that emitted into the air comes from buildings and transportation.

A cool city is a model city that has adapted a new method of technology. SDCJ is building thisproject and they are from Japan. In the cool city there will be three types of transportation, Monorial station, Light Rail ransit station and water transportation. There are various zones in the city. For example, business, residential and a cultural zone. Using water, trees and roof membrane are some techiniques that will help to reduce heat. It is expected that CO2 reductions is about 50% of commertiol buildings and 30% of roof resedance buildings. Finally, the overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions that claimed in the video is 60%.

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