Monday, June 2, 2008

UAE and Global Warming

Although the UAE signed the United Nations’
Kyoto protocol on global warming, it is found that the UAE is one of the countries with the highest demand on the glob ecosystem. The emirates are consuming away energy by cooled swimming pools, huge 4×4s, artificial resort islands, an indoor ski slope and air conditioners in every house, car and shopping mall. The environmental agencies are putting planes to cut emissions, through reducing the use of air conditions. Campaigns are motivating people to turn down their air conditioning. But the need to live a good life which is somehow felt by the air conditioning every where, it is a hard solution to achieve.

From my point of view, I see that it is a harsh report which puts our country on the top of the scale of consuming away energy and spreading emissions. They didn’t look at the problem from different sight as they didn’t put in consideration the effect of our hot weather in our life. People will not be able to work in offices with out air conditions, how can they concentrate and produce for the country under 45 degrees in July! We also shouldn’t forget about the transportation, shopping malls and clubs, with out air conditioning people will find difficulties in their normal daily life. Tourism will be affected also, as nowadays the UAE is trying to use it as an alternative resource to increase the country economy instead of relaying on oil. In my opinion, I see that people here in the UAE or even in the Middle East don’t pay attentions to the issue of global warming in which if still not felt and it is not threatening our life as poverty and war does.