Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rashid' Blog

Hi All...
My name is Rashid Ali Bahattab Al Braiki. I'm from Abu Dhabi and I'm studying in Abu Dhabi Men's College. I'm married and I have a daughter, she is two years old. I'm 25 years old. I'm from nuclear family and I live in Abu Dhabi in Air Port Street. My father is a doctor, he is an esoteric consultant.

In 2003, I graduated from the same college in a Diploma program in chemical engineering (Lab Technical). I'm looking to continue my education now for the Higher Diploma in civil engineering. Between 2003 and 2007, I have been worked in Esnaad (group of ADNOC Company).

My favorite hobbies is fishing and diving. I have a porch cayenne. I also interested in car racing.

This blog is about global warming and social issues. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Lebanon is one of the most historic countries in the Arab region and Beirut is the capital of Lebanon. It’s surrounded by five counties which are Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Turkey and Cyprus. Lebanon was called the “land of milk and honey” in the bible. Beirut is also called “Paris of the East”. Shakira is half Lebanese and she is one of the famous singers in the world.

In 1943, there was an increase in tensions between Muslims and Christians. At that time, Christians held the balance of power and Lebanon Muslims had little say in the running of the country. But in 1948 after the Arab-Israeli war, Muslims refugees left for Lebanon from Palestine. In 1975, the tensions reached their peak because the Phalange a Christian group attacked and killed a bus of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. Violence and lack of trust between the both side (Muslims and Christians) resulted. In addition, troops went to live on different side in the country. In 1982, the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). In 1989 a peace deal was reached. There were a lot of human and economic costs to this conflict. Between 150-200 thousand were killed, 300,000 were wounded and the economy was paralyzed.

Nowadays, there are signs of social and economic recovery in Beirut. For example, more than 17 different religions live together, people live in peace, development has taken place in the infrastructure (malls, beaches and cranes are everywhere) Beirut takes 3rd place in number of cars and phones. On the other hand, there are some current problems in the country. One of these is life remains hard and unemployment is very high. Finally, too much money remains in the hands of a few.

Bibliography:"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006. Royal Geographical Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

for more information go to these links:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Introduction to Global Warminig

You may have heard people talking about how the weather is very different today than it was ten years ago. You may have noticed changes in the weather yourself. The earth's climate has changed many times over millions of years, sometimes slowly, sometimes very quickly. What makes climate change different today?

It is the Global Warming and it is an increase in the near surface temperature of the Earth. Global warming has occurred in the distant past as the result of natural influences, but the term is most often used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases.

There are many problems could happened if the global warming continues for example, Water level will increase and it may cause a flooding ,People can also die from the heat stress and animals can be displaced because the environment will change.

for more information go to the link below:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Global warming-An Inconvenient Truth

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States, serving his country from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2000 election . He is currently chairman of the Emmy Award. He also starred in the Academy Award - winning documentary on the topic of global warming, An Inconvenient Truth. , In 2007, Gore helped to organize the July 7 benefit concert for global warming, Live Earth. He is very serious man and he is interested in the climate change and is trying to get people’s attention about the dangers of the change in the environment, He wants to show how it is affecting humans and animals.

He discusses the problem of the warming and how it will affect the bears in the world. The glaciers around the world are melting and it’s dangerous for the polar bears around the world. That means that they will not find place to rest. Glaciers will melt, sea levels will increase and it may causes a decrease of a drinking water and drown some cities. Temperature and the CO2 concentration may both increase as is shown in the graph, that will mean more dangerous world.

The reason for his movie is to make a people awake of this coming disaster. As well as, what it can do for the world. Americans people made great things to face the problems of global warming. I can see that Al Gore is very convincing and we have to look at this issue carefully.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Global warming-An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth is a movie that discusses the problems of global warming by the lecturer Albert Arnold "Al" Gore. I enjoyed this movie and it was very interesting for me because it captured my attention to a looming disaster. It’s really useful in its details about the dangers of global warming.

The greenhouse effect is the most dangerous things that let me to be compelled by the movie because he showed us the bad sides of climate change. I agree with all points that were mentioned.

In my opinion, the background was very logical and effective with the facts. On the other hand, there were a supporting images and graphs that can help the movie positively. In my view, 9.5 out of 10 is the right evaluation of this movie. The statistics was 9.3 according to some sites, but I think that it deserves more.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

UAE and Global Warming

Although the UAE signed the United Nations’
Kyoto protocol on global warming, it is found that the UAE is one of the countries with the highest demand on the glob ecosystem. The emirates are consuming away energy by cooled swimming pools, huge 4×4s, artificial resort islands, an indoor ski slope and air conditioners in every house, car and shopping mall. The environmental agencies are putting planes to cut emissions, through reducing the use of air conditions. Campaigns are motivating people to turn down their air conditioning. But the need to live a good life which is somehow felt by the air conditioning every where, it is a hard solution to achieve.

From my point of view, I see that it is a harsh report which puts our country on the top of the scale of consuming away energy and spreading emissions. They didn’t look at the problem from different sight as they didn’t put in consideration the effect of our hot weather in our life. People will not be able to work in offices with out air conditions, how can they concentrate and produce for the country under 45 degrees in July! We also shouldn’t forget about the transportation, shopping malls and clubs, with out air conditioning people will find difficulties in their normal daily life. Tourism will be affected also, as nowadays the UAE is trying to use it as an alternative resource to increase the country economy instead of relaying on oil. In my opinion, I see that people here in the UAE or even in the Middle East don’t pay attentions to the issue of global warming in which if still not felt and it is not threatening our life as poverty and war does.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The dangers of politicizing the issue of global warming

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